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by Brian Kenney

It’s 1954, and most people in Great Britain seem happy to put the second world war behind them. Nora Breen, previously a nun and …

by Henrietta Thornton

It’s not easy being New Yorker Hazel Cho. Her parents, who are from Korea, find her private-investigation business brings shame on her family. Why …

by Willy Williams

It’s loathing at first sight when trained opera singer Kit (stage name Katerina) Margolis meets her understudy, the sexually alluring Yolanda Archambeau, on the …

by Jeff Ayers

Coben (Think Twice) brings back former Detective Sami Kierce from Fool Me Once (the book and the NetFlix series) as his past crashes into …

by Brian Kenney

Kudos to Jurczyk (The Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, That Night in the Library) for providing a closed circle mystery that avoids …

by Henrietta Thornton

On the surface this is a he-said, she-said crime tale, but there’s much more going on in this darker departure from Simon’s previous work. …