Mother-Daughter Murder Night

by Brian Kenney

A wonderfully paced mystery, in a fascinating setting, told through the lives of three generations of women. Lana Rubicon is one of the leading real-estate developers in Los Angeles. But these days she’s spending less time running to power meetings in her Chanel suits and Jimmy Choos and more time asleep on her daughter Beth’s sofa, 300 miles up the coast. Recovering from cancer, the super Type-A Lana is bored beyond belief, with her days spent observing life in the slough—that’s a wetland, or marsh—that surrounds them. But when Jack, her teenage granddaughter, finds a body in the slough, where she gives kayak tours part-time, and the cops start looking at Jack like suspect number one, Lana grabs her wig and gets in on the action. The action, it turns out, is quite complicated, involving the recently deceased patient of Beth, a land dispute that involves one of the most prominent families in the area, rich ranchers, and some conservationists who can’t be completely trusted. To find the truth, and to get out alive, all three women need to do the unthinkable: work together. This reader would love to see more from this fab trio.

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