The Last One

by Brian Kenney

Thrillers, for me, are like palate cleansers. Every few weeks, I need to immerse myself in an action-packed, plot-driven narrative full of fear, anxiety, and tension that pushes me to read at full throttle. But I was in no way prepared for the absolute terror of The Last One. Fifty-something Caz wakes up on an ocean liner that’s hugely similar to the Queen Mary 2—it’s even on a transatlantic voyage, QM2’s signature trip—only to find that her partner, Pete, is missing. But that’s just the beginning. It seems that every other passenger and the entire crew is AWOL. The idea of rattling across the Atlantic in a deserted ocean liner is scary enough, but when Caz discovers three more passengers, things take a decidedly darker turn. What’s incredible is how far Dean goes with his storyline, pushing relentlessly to up the fear factor, creating one scenario more terrifying than the last. At the same time, we learn about Caz’s troubled family, and what in her past helps to keep her alive in the present. One wild ride that is not to be missed.

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