The Father She Went to Find

by Henrietta Thornton

A childhood fall down the stairs, for which she blames her alcoholic mother, caused a head injury that has left Penny Bly a savant with perfect recall of everything that has happened to her since the fall. She’s one of only 75 people in the world with this level of abilities, but it doesn’t feel so special: she’s lonely and rebellious, living in a facility where she’s always being studied. One of her only joys is receiving birthday cards from the father who abandoned her when she was a child, but when her 21st birthday card arrives, it bears a message that sees her leave the home and take a cross country trip to find him, encountering friendship but also terrible danger along the way. Penny is a fascinating character who’s full of extremes: off-the-charts intelligent but completely clueless when it comes to the real world; desperate for love but pushing everyone away; longing for safety but causing mayhem with her single-minded pursuit of a plan-less goal. Get ready for a wild ride and a WHOA ending.

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