Same Difference

by Brian Kenney

It’s tempting with some books to say “just read it,” and the second in Copperman’s Fran and Ken Stein (get it?) series is that type of book: quite unbelievable but totally seductive. Twins Fran and Ken were created by two scientists who played around with the twins’ genetics; they’re super tall, super strong, and a bit superhero-like. Their parents had to skip town when the two were babies, leaving them in the hands of a trusted friend. Today, the twins are all grown up and run their own Manhattan detective agency; in this episode, they are hired to track down a young trans woman, Eliza, who has disappeared, and who very much may not want to be found. The search for Eliza takes the duo through most of the City’s boroughs, entangles them in a handful of characters, and presents a plot that keeps growing more and more complex. But it’s the personal lives of the siblings that interest me the most, such as Fran’s on-again, off-again relationship with an NYPD detective and the rare communication she has with their parents. Will they ever be reunited?

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