Killing Me

by Brian Kenney

Ever feel like you’ve lost your reading mojo? Spending too much time consuming mediocre series on Netflix? Then this fun, female-driven narrative featuring a grifter/psych student, a terrifying serial killer, a cool and elegant femme fatale, and a handful of Las Vegas ladies is sure to get you back into the reading groove. A serial killer is stalking Amber’s college campus, and despite all her street smarts he manages to kidnap her, dragging her off to his lair. Just when things start to get serious, Amber is liberated by this cool and aloof woman who promptly disappears. But when the cops, and then the FBI, show up, Amber gets jittery—she and law enforcement don’t mix—so she heads out of town, randomly picking Vegas. It would be foolhardy to try to summarize this story; it’s got more twists and turns than the Tour de France. Let’s just say that Amber’s voice—witty with a side of snark—is just everything, the dialogue is pumping, and the characters are, strangely enough, completely credible. And how refreshing is it to read a thriller without any male leads? Turns out you don’t miss them at all. An absolute delight from beginning to end.

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