My Wife is Missing

by Henrietta Thornton

On a family trip to New York City, Michael Hart returns to their hotel from a pizza run only to find his wife and children gone, with only a left-behind teddy bear showing they were ever there. Readers will viscerally feel Michael’s panic and incredulity as he frantically searches the hotel and realizes they are …nowhere. Soon we switch to his wife, Natalie’s, point of view. She and Michael see these events very differently, but readers can’t be sure whether her story is accurate or a product of the terrible insomnia she’s endured for months. What if Natalie’s narrative is all a delusion? What if Michael’s is all a lie? Maybe they’re both lying, or maybe neither is and someone else is behind the terrible events that unfold in the present—a coworker of Natalie’s is murdered—and are revealed as part of one partner’s past. Palmer deftly combines perhaps-unreliable narratives with twists and a heart-tugging chase with children in tow; the explosive ending is both unexpected and satisfying. The author is the son of the late medical-thriller author Michael Palmer, and their work has the same just-one-more-chapter-even-though-it’s-2 am quality. This is a great read for any thriller fan, but is especially recommended to those who enjoyed Alice LaPlante’s Turn of Mind, in which a murder may have been committed by a woman with Alzheimer’s disease.

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