Famous Last Words

by Brian Kenney

An expert novel of incredible suspense. A moving love story. And certain to be one of the best books of 2025. Camilla (Cam) wakes up early one morning only to find that her husband, Luke, has disappeared, he’s left a rather ambiguous note, and no amount of telephoning or texting is bringing him back. But enough about him. This is also Cam’s first day back from maternity leave and their nine-month-old daughter’s first day at nursery. Enough anxiety? Well, there’s more. Cam is just getting settled into her publishing job when she sees footage of a hostage situation in Central London. Then the cops arrive at her office, wanting her to identify herself. Luke’s being held hostage? Horrifying. But no, actually. He’s the hostage taker. Now don’t think I’m giving away the plot, this is just the beginning of a story that spreads out over years, confronting how you can love a spouse whom the world believes is a criminal. Who manages to disappear for years after killing two of the hostages, but never manages to contact you. A man who you think you know, but can’t help and wonder if your relationship was built entirely on lies. But hang in there. The resolution—when it does come—is as shocking as it is gratifying. By the author of the Reese’s Book Club Pick Wrong Place Wrong Time.

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