The Woman in the Garden

by Brian Kenney

Eustacia Rose, Professor of Botanical Toxicology, lives alone in London with just her extensive but exquisite collection of poisonous plants for company. She tends to her rooftop garden with meticulous care, buys the occasional rare specimen off the black market, and, Rear Window-like, follows the goings on of her neighbors through her super-powerful telescope. She even records the neighbors’ activities, giving it all the veneer of science. Until one day she hears a scream coming from across the street that is so terrifying it forces her to shift from voyeur to participant. The woman who screamed was the remarkably beautiful Simone, as Rose has named her, and days later, when Rose sees Simone being shoved into a car and driven off by a group of men, she becomes obsessed with saving the woman. But does Simone need saving? A fascinating novel that brings together the cops, friends of Rose from years ago, the use of toxins from poisonous plants, lost love, the nature of friendship, and the effects of the death of a parent. In the end, we see Rose begin to emerge from her cocoon and reenter the world around her, a transformation hugely satisfying to watch.

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