The Unwedding

by Brian Kenney

Things couldn’t get much worse for Ellery. She’s all alone at a super-expensive resort in Big Sur where she and her husband were meant to celebrate their twentieth anniversary, except his mid-life crisis blossomed into a full blown decision to divorce (new girlfriend and motorcycle), and, well, the reservations aren’t refundable. Then it turns out that most of the other guests are there to celebrate a wedding. How annoying is that? Ellery misses her kids terribly. And when she decides to take an evening dip in the infinity pool, she finds the groom beat her to it, except he’s floating face down, fully dressed, with a huge gash in the back of his head. Time to call the cops, but a huge storm has moved through, triggering a mudslide that completely isolates the hotel, cutting off cell service. Yup, we are in a closed-resort novel. But, fortunately for Ellery, she makes some friends, and together they set out to investigate what’s really going on in this Christie-like setting. This is Condie’s adult debut (she is author of the YA “Matched” series) and she does a magnificent job of balancing the search for a murderer with exploring Ellery’s rich internal life. A gift to readers who enjoy closed environments and unsettling outcomes.

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